Tuesday, October 27, 2009

This is Amusing . . .

. . . but it seems like a strange article to appear on the website of a Catholic newspaper. It amuses me. I am amused.


Jim said...

I'm a bit worried that discourse between individuals is a dying art. These days pundits abound that scream and rant at their audience who happen to be like-minded people. This reinforces a bad kind of discourse in that the uneducated audience sees how angry the pundit is and assumes they should be equally as irate. Typically, it has been the right wing conservatives that do this (O'Reilly, Limbaugh, etc) who scream, red-faced, at their guests and audience. So, it is worrying to me that the liberals and historically even tempered Atheists are now adopting similar tactics as those mentioned above. Will we soon be faced with the "crazy atheist" stereotype?

Jason said...

We already are. Religionists already decry the "New Atheists" like Dawkins and Hitchens. Even Sam Harris and Daniel Dennett, who are nowhere near as confrontational, get painted with the same brush.

The whole thing is devolving into grunting and clubs over heads. Like everything else.

Jim said...

Are you making a comment on human nature?

Jason said...

Probably. Come closer so I can whack you with my club. Gronk!